Editing a Manually Dispensed Prescription

It may be necessary to edit an item on a non-electronic prescription that has already been dispensed, for example, to change the directions or the quantity.

To edit a prescription that had been manually dispensed:

  1. From the Pharmacy Manager Menus select Quick Actions - History:

  2. The View History screen displays:

  3. Search for and select the item that you wish to edit and select Edit.
    Note - This may be one item from a prescription that includes multiple items.
  4. A question displays 'The item "Item Details" has already been dispensed. Are you sure that you want to change it? To view it as read only, press "No".':

    Select Yes to edit the prescription or select No to view as read only.

  5. The Dispensary screen displays with the prescription details available for editing. Edit the prescription accordingly:

    See Dispensing a Paper Prescription for more details.
    Note - Only the selected item will be available to edit, for multiple item prescriptions all other items will be locked.
  6. Select Finish.

Editing an additional item on a Multi Item Prescription

If you are editing an item on a multi item prescription you'll see that the other items are shown as 'issued' and therefore are locked for editing:

To unlock an item:

  1. With the locked item open on the Dispensary screen, select Item - Edit Item or press Ctrl + M on your keyboard:

  2. A question displays 'The item "Item Details" has already been dispensed. Are you sure that you want to change it? To view it as read only, press "No".':

    Select Yes to continue to edit the prescription.

  3. The Dispensary screen displays with the prescription details. Edit the prescription accordingly.
    See Dispensing a Paper Prescription for more details.
  4. Select Finish.
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