Find Direction

Pharmacy Manager contains a pre-installed list of about 150 directions. To view these directions:

  1. From the Pharmacy Manager Menus select Tools - Inquiry - Directions:

  2. The Find Direction screen displays.

  3. Press Enter on your keyboard to view a full list of the pre-installed directions:

Direction Details

To view a directions details:

  1. From Text, search for the direction, for example, 10ml, and select Find.

  2. Select the required direction from the search results and select Details:

  3. The Directions Details screen displays:

Adding a Direction

To add a direction:

  1. From the Find Direction screen, select Add :

  2. The Direction Details screen displays. Complete as outline below:

    • Short code - Enter as required.

    • Text - Enter as required.

    • Quantity - Enter as required.

    • Frequency - Enter as required.

    • Quantity and frequency specified exactly - Enter as required.

  3. Select OK .

  4. The direction is added:

Note – To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.