Patient Details: Exemptions tab

You can check the appropriate exemption conditions if you know what they are.


In cases where you have already entered the date of birth, you will find that certain age selections will not be available.


Important note: Patient exemptions - EPSR2

Non-age based patient exemptions are not included in downloaded prescriptions.

To ensure you receive correct reimbursement, it is if paramount importance that you maintain non-age based patient exemptions in Pharmacy Manager, otherwise your electronic reimbursement claims will indicate the patient pays the NHS levy.


If a patient already has a record in your system, you can append or correct their current endorsement at any time so that it is correct in anticipation of the patient's next EPSR2 prescription. This would be done through this tab.


When you add a new patient to Pharmacy Manager, you can append a prescription-level exemption. You can also use this feature to make a prescription level update.


When you dispense a subsequent electronic prescription to a patient with an existing history of EPSR2, take note of the exemption information that is displayed as you confirm the identity of the patient.


If you forget to use one or other of the above options (or you only find out the exemption position when the patient collects their medication), it still possible to edit/update the prescription level exemption to ensure you claim the correct reimbursement. This alteration must be made before you submit a notification.






There are no age based exemptions in operation in Wales as all patients do not pay prescription charges

A unique exemption exists for patients who are Welsh residents who have an English GP but use a Welsh pharmacy to obtain their prescription medication. These patients can request an entitlement card from Wales NHS in order to qualify for free prescriptions when they present an English FP10 form in Wales.

  • Check Prescription charge exemption card

When you dispense items on an English FP10 prescription form for such a patient, the exemption charge icons will appear against the prescription type. The calculated NHS charge for the prescription will remain at zero.

To change the prescription form type whilst dispensing, see Changing the prescription form type.



Checking some options will open a box for further details, such as a certificate expiry date and a checkbox to record that you have seen the certificate/evidence.


See Date format rule for guidance on inputting dates.


Updated 30th July 2010