When applying the NCSO endorsement, it is essential that you endorse the prescription with the abbreviation NCSO and full details of the product dispensed.
If the system has identified the dispensed item as NCSO, the appropriate heading is applied by the system.
Brand name/supplier/manufacturer
If this information is missing, even if a price has been endorsed, the NCSO claim will not be accepted by NHS prescription services.
If the system has identified the dispensed item as NCSO, the brand or manufacturer is taken from the dispensed item.
Quantity dispensed.
Best practice in endorsing pack sizes is quantity dispensed over pack size. The system adopts this style, for example 28/28 or 84/100
Payment will be based on the supplier’s list price if it is held by NHS Prescription Services (the usual reimbursement price change mechanism applies). However if NHS Prescription Services does not have a list price on file, reimbursement will be based on the endorsed price. The price endorsed should be before discount and ex VAT for the full pack even if less than the full pack was dispensed.
When the price is displayed, and if printed, it is shown as £5.55/pack
See Mandatory input of price for details of configuration options you can use for the price endorsement.
The endorsement MUST be initialled (or signed) – any authorised staff member can do this; it does not need to be the pharmacist. Note this is the most common part of the endorsement that is accidentally omitted leading to the NCSO claim not being accepted by NHS Prescription Services.
When the initials displayed, and if printed, they are shown as Initials CE
In systems with Information Governance enabled, the initials are taken from the logged on operator
Finally, the endorsement must be dated. If the paper prescription has been stamped with a pharmacy stamp which includes a date, this will be accepted by NHS Prescription Services.
the NCSO setting is enabled
for a product, the
check box on the endorsements screen is enabled. This enables completion
of any part of the endorsement that has not been supplied by the system.
Type in the pharmacist's initials and the pack size if that is not filled by the system, for example, when Information Governance is not enabled.
Use the text box for any other required information that has not appeared. By default, this will show the manufacturer name or the brand name.
Append the pack price (before discount and excluding VAT). The system will qualify this as a pack price, for example, £12.99/pack
The system should complete the rest of the information required.
If NCSO is enabled but you have obtained stock prior to the NCSO concession being announced, you can reverse the NCSO setting.
If any of this
information is missing, payment will be based on the Drug Tariff price
rather than the endorsed product.
a concessionary price for a product is announced. This price becomes the
default price for the remainder of the month so no additional endorsing
is required.
The NCSO endorsement
applies in both England & Wales
See the PSNC website for up-to-date information.
Updated 8th March 2018