Pharmacy Manager Tutorials

Setting Generic and PI Suppliers


1. Generic Manufacturers

Once a default generic manufacturer has been set, Pharmacy Manager will automatically select that manufacturer's generic if they supply the pack size you select.

To set the default generic manufacturer:

  • From the Tools menu, click Bulk Operations.

  • Click Change Default Generic Manufacturer.


  • Click Next.

  • Type the first part of the manufacturer's name into the Manufacturer box and click Find.

  • Select the appropriate manufacturer and click OK.


  • Click Start. The bulk operation will then change the default manufacturer for all generics.

  • When finished, click OK.

  • Click Next; Finish.

2. PI Suppliers

The default PI supplier can be set in a similar way:

  • From the Tools menu, select Bulk Operations.

  • Click Change Default Parallel Import Manufacturer.

  • Click Next.

  • Find and select the appropriate PI supplier.

  • Click Start. The bulk operation will then change the default manufacturer for all generics.

  • When finished, click OK.

  • Click Next; Finish.


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