Pharmacy Manager Tutorials

Dispensing an Alternative Item


When a prescription is written generically, you may want to dispense a brand or a generic from an alternative manufacturer. This tutorial explains how you can do this.

'Written as' and 'Dispense as' Items

Pharmacy Manager lets you keep a record of the item that is prescribed and the actual item that is dispensed. This information is shown and amended on the Dispensary tab:


  • The Written as item is how the item has been written by the prescriber on the prescription.

  • The Dispense as item is the item that is dispensed.

Brand Substitution

To record that a brand has been dispensed:

  • Select the Written as item as normal.

  • Press   & to show a list of all the available brands associated with the selected generic.

  • Click the appropriate brand within the list.

  • If you always want to dispense the brand when this generic is prescribed, click Default.

  • Click OK.

Dispensing an Alternative Generic

To record that a generic item from a specific generic manufacturer has been dispensed:

  • Select the Written as item as normal.

  • Press & to show a list of all the available manufacturers and pack sizes associated with the selected generic.

  • Click the appropriate item within the list.

  • If you always want to dispense this manufacturer's item when this generic is prescribed, click Default.

  • Click OK.


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