When you select a patient with an outstanding emergency request on their record, the system will display an alert:
If more than one emergency request is outstanding for the selected patient, the total number will be displayed along with each issue date.
To clear the pending prescription, use
or click the Pending tab
Highlight the chosen item/patient then click on Edit or use
This takes you back to the Dispensary tab where you will be asked to confirm that you wish to edit the item.
Click the YES button in order to edit the item i.e. alter the dispensed quantity to the full amount of the prescription.
Complete the process by printing the label
this point you should only give the patient the outstanding amount e.g.
20 tablets.
This will update the Pharmacy Manager patient history accordingly:
The modified item is the deleted initial issue and the dispensed item is the complete issue.
As a final step,
you need to update the emergency item status on the system. To proceed
use &
or click the Pending
Highlight the chosen emergency item/patient then click on Detail or use
The Dispensary Supply Form details appear.
You will have previously checked
the box as the form was an Emergency at prescriber request.
Complete the record by entering the date and reason for the request.
For convenience, click the Today button if the emergency request was reconciled today i.e. the prescription was received.
Click OK to continue. This will remove the emergency entry from the Pending tab.
often steps you back to the
previous screen.
Updated 1st September 2008