MDS paper prescription/eMessage reconciliation


In some situations where you are preparing MDS medication in advance of receiving the actual prescriptions, you may have to reconcile the initial dispensing with an electronic prescription.The reconciliation steps explained in this topic should not be treated as a clinical checkpoint. Whilst different personnel may be involved at different stages of the process i.e. preparing and labelling the items initially, or overseeing the reconciliation and handout to the patient, all clinical checks should have been completed before you begin the paper prescription/eMessage reconciliation.







In this illustration you have already manually dispensed or repeated medication for which you are expecting a prescription.

It appears like this on the Patient cycle screen with   indicating a paper prescription.


When you are presented with an electronic prescription for that medication, the electronic prescription needs to be reconciled with the earlier work.

  • Highlight the prescription in the New eMessages window.

  • Click the Add to cycle button.


The patient selection wizard commences as it would for a non-MDS prescription dispensed from the eMessages tab.

If the system locates manually created MDS items for this period, they are displayed at a stage of the eMessage wizard.



Any manually created MDS items are displayed on the left hand side.

You now need to match that item against the appropriate item on the current electronic prescription.

  • Click the and select the corresponding prescribed item off the current prescription. Each item on a multiple item prescription will appear in the drop down list so care should be taken when making the selection.

The electronic prescription may contain one or more additional items that had not been dispensed manually. These will not appear on the left hand side of the display and do not require matching.

  • Click the OK button when you have matched the items you can.

  • The wizard continues.

  • On the Dispensary tab, dispense the prescription as you would do normally.

  • When you revert to the Patient cycle screen, the adjacent icon has changed from indicating a paper prescription to for an electronic prescription.


Whilst you have the facility to print labels, MARs and cassette sheets for a period in advance of the last one dispensed,  for a CMS prescription for a nursing home resident however, the issue number shown on the virtual script will always display the current values, regardless of which period in advance you are displaying. Also, the directions will always determine patient cycle not the schedule length set up on first CMS dispense.


See also Dispense selected eCMS prescription


Updated 7th June 2011