Find Direction


Pharmacy Manager contains a pre-installed list of about 150 directions. To view these directions:

  1. Select Tools - Inquiry - Directions.

  1. The Find Direction screen displays.

  2. Press Enter on your keyboard to view a full list of the pre-installed directions.

Direction Details

To view a directions details:

  1. From Text, search for the direction, for example, 10ml, and select Find.

  2. Select the required direction from the search results and select Details.

  1. The Directions Details screen displays.

Adding a Direction

To add a direction:

  1. From the Find Direction screen, select Add.

  2. The Direction Details screen displays. Complete as outline below:

  • Short code - Enter as required.

  • Text - Enter as required.

  • Quantity - Enter as required.

  • Frequency - Enter as required.

  • Quantity and frequency specified exactly - Enter as required.

  1. Select OK.

  2. The direction is added.