Stock Control within Pharmacy Manager

Pharmacy Manager stock control, enables you to manage your dispensary stock.

Note - It does not provide automatic ordering or stock control for over-the-counter (OTC) products.

There are three methods of stock control in Pharmacy Manager:

  • Balance - Simply replaces stock used and does not vary order quantities with demand. This can be used before Pharmacy Manager has accumulated any usage figures. You do not have to enter stock levels on each product for auto-order to work correctly.
    See Balance stock control for details.
  • Prism - Pharmacy Manager calculates what to order automatically, taking into account the past dispensing usage of the item.
    Note - If your data has been converted from a different PMR, usage figures are also converted so the Prism method can be used if required.
    See Prism Stock Control for details.
  • Fixed Prism - You set the reorder levels manually, they do not fluctuate with usage.
    See Fixed Prism Stock Control for details.

These three methods can applied to products on an individual basis, or set globally for the entire product file.  

Stock Control is set up centrally, see Pharmacy Details - Ordering Tab for details.