UniChem broadband ordering


See also OTC Direct & Cavendish Pharmaceuticals broadband ordering


There are a number of differences that you will encounter when ordering from UniChem by broadband as opposed to dial-up modem.


Compiling orders - manually or automatically - does not differ but some preparatory steps need completing. Furthermore, the stages after the order has been "sent" are different and it is important to be aware of the differences.


You will also need a suitably configured broadband connection. UniChem rather than Cegedim Rx will provide guidance on this.

Activate UniChem broadband ordering

In order to set up your system for UniChem broadband ordering (UBO), you will need to activate some third party communications software that integrates with Pharmacy Manager.


You will first need to obtain a system administration key from Service Desk. This system administration key will need entering at Help > Technical Support > System Admin Key.

  • Now go into Menu > Tools > Pharmacy Details > Setup tab.

This tab is not normally displayed - it only appears when you use the System Administration Key.

  • Click the Activate button

  • Click OK.

You will be prompted to closedown  and then restart Pharmacy manager.

Upon restarting Pharmacy Manager, when the UBO communications software is running an icon will appear in the system tray .


The icon appears differently in other states, namely when a message is being sent (superimposed outward pointing green arrow) or when a message is being received (super imposed inward pointing blue arrow). However, the change is momentary and is likely to go unnoticed.


Whilst there are controls available with this software, they are not the responsibility of Cegedim Rx and our Service Desk may not be in a position to provide support or answer questions about any issue that may arise outside Pharmacy Manager.

Creating a UniChem broadband order set

Ensure you have activated the UniChem broadband ordering software in Pharmacy Manager and, if necessary create an order set.

If you have not previously used UniChem dial-up modem ordering


See Creating an Order Set


Alternatively follow these precise steps:

  • Click on the Ordering tab

  • Click on the View menu and then the Order Set Summary option. The Order Set Summary screen will appear

  • Click on the Add button. The New Order Set PharmAssist screen will appear. Click on the Next button to bring up the ‘Select Supplier’ page

  • Click on the Find button. The Find Supplier screen will appear. Type in UniChem and highlight the top entry.

  • The Find Supplier screen will disappear, and the supplier name on the New Order Set PharmAssist screen should now be UniChem.

  • Click on the Next button to bring up the ‘Enter Account’ page. Type in your UniChem terminal ID/account number e.g. 9876789 and then click on the Next button to bring up the ‘Select Transmission Type’ page.

  • Click on the option to Send order by broadband and then click on the Next button to bring up the When to Send page.

  • Click on the When I decide to send it option and then click on the Next button to bring up the Order Type page.

  • In the Order Type section, click on Either (Products from either file). Click on the Next button to bring up the Finished page.

  • Click on the Finish button to accept or modify UniChem order as the name for the new order set.

If you are already using Pharmacy Manager to transmit to UniChem via dial-up modem


You should be able to adjust your dial-up modem UniChem order set so it is enabled for broadband.

  • Ensure you have activated the UniChem broadband ordering software in Pharmacy Manager as above.

  • Closedown Pharmacy Manager and restart if you have not done so since you activated UniChem broadband.

  • To confirm that broadband is activated, go to Tools > Inquiry > Supplier and click the Communications tab. This should display UniChem broadband as the selected protocol. Click OK, OK & OK a third time to close the successive windows.

  • Click the Ordering tab and ensure the UniChem Order set is selected and then click the Display Order Set Details button.

  • Select Broadband as the Transmission Type and click Apply and Close.


Do not try to create a second order set for UniChem broadband. Pharmacy Manager does not allow order sets using different protocols for the same supplier.

Sending orders via the Broadband Modem


To send an order:

  • Click on the Send button at the base of the screen (OR & ). The system will briefly show a transmission window but with broadband ordering you will not be able to see the order transmission process - dialling, connected, sending etc - that you can with dial-up.

  • The items that you have ordered have their status changed from Pending to Awaiting Response whilst the third party communications software processes your order, sends it to the UniChem ordering system and finally processes the reply.


If you add an extra order for an item that is currently of the status awaiting response, the additional order assumes the status pending and will only be processed further the next time you send an order.


  • When the response is received the status of the ordered items will change from Awaiting Response to whatever status it is for every line on the order e.g. placed, incomplete or rejected etc

You can still select the individual line and click on Details and the Responses tab to see why it was rejected; or use Menu > View > Sent orders.


See also Rejected items & View sent orders

Printed Replies

Broadband ordering does not guarantee the immediate response (goods in stock, out of stock exceptions etc) that dial-up ordering provides. Consequently, it is not possible to print order replies with broadband once the status of the order is placed. As outlined above, it still remains possible to see this information e.g. rejected lines, on screen once an order has been placed by using the status filter.

Reverting to Dial-up Modem Ordering

In the event that your broadband connection fails, you may wish to temporarily revert to dial-up modem ordering.

  • To switch to the UniChem dial-up protocol, go to Tools > Inquiry > Supplier and click the Communications tab. This should display UniChem broadband. Check the Use Default Setting box to revert to UniChem Prosper as the selected protocol. Click OK, OK & OK a third time to close the successive windows.

  • Click the Ordering tab and ensure the UniChem Order set is selected and then click the Display Order Set Details button.

  • Select Modem as the Transmission Type and click Apply and Close.

  • Click the Supplier Inquiry button.

  • Type UniChem and then click Find. Click OK.

  • Ensure your account number is present on the Details tab and the UniChem PDT number is present on the Dialling Locations tab. Click OK to close the window and continue.

OTC Direct & Cavendish Pharmaceuticals

The UniChem broadband protocol can be used for transmitting orders to OTC Direct and to Cavendish Pharmaceuticals.

Simply create an order set as outlined above.

  • When you reach the Enter Account page, type in the terminal ID/account number you have been given.

  • On the final stage of the set-up wizard, modify the order name to reflect the supplier for the new order set.


See also specific instructions for AAH   Lexon   Mawdsleys  Phoenix   SPL   Trident   UniChem


Updated 11th January 2013