Consent & Purpose


The Consent/purpose page will confirm patient consent for the review.



Identified by

Choose from either the pharmacist, the patient themselves or any other person who may have referred the patient. If it is an outside referral, choose the Other option and type in the name of the person who made the referral.


The default identifier is the Pharmacist.

  • Select Patient identified by pressing the down arrow when Pharmacist is the selection in focus i.e. is emphasised a dotted internal line. Alternatively, press &. You can also re-select Annual by pressing & or by using the up arrow when the alternate selection is in focus.

  • If it is an outside referral, choose the Other option with the down arrow or by pressing & and the type in the name of the person who made the referral.


From 1st October 2011, where a patient agrees to participate in the Medicines Use Review (MUR) service they must sign a consent form which incorporates specific wording.


 See the CP Wales website for an advanced services consent form template you can use.

Confirm whether patient consent has been given in writing by checking the appropriate box. Alternatively, press &.


MURs started prior to Pharmacy Manager v8.9 will still display correctly showing the type of consent that was given at the time i.e. oral or written.


Reason for review

Select whether this is a standard annual review or whether it is the result of an intervention e.g. on a prescription.


The default reason for review is for an Annual MUR.

  • Select Intervention by pressing the down arrow when Annual is the selection in focus i.e. is emphasised a dotted internal line. Alternatively, press &. You can also re-select Annual by pressing & or by using the up arrow when the alternate selection is in focus.

Targeted MUR

If the MUR is being provided because patient medication is in a targeted category, check the Targeted MUR box. Alternatively, press &.


An additional option appears. Click the drop down menu option and pick the appropriate type from the list.


Note: the drop down list content is region specific and may contain different categories to those illustrated.


Other persons present

Type in the name of any other persons present e.g. a family member or a  carer.


  • Click the Next button to continue to the following stage of the wizard.

  • Click the Back button to step back to the previous screen of the wizard.

  • Click the Close button to save the review so far.


In order to move forward from this stage of the MUR process, you must ensure:


Patient MUST consent to the review process



You must specify by name who identified the need for an MUR if it was not the pharmacist or the patient



When there is more than one warning the icon will display red.



Warning messages will be shown:-

  • On the hint for the icon.

  • On the hint for the Next button.

  • Double clicking the icon will display all warning messages

Updated 1st August 2013