Set nominated pharmacy


See also Tracing a patient.

 See also Change nomination.


Once you have successfully traced a patient who wants to make an initial pharmacy nomination:

  • The next display confirms there is no current community pharmacy nomination in place.

  • Check the action Nominate this pharmacy.

  • Once the box is checked, the Update button is enabled.

  • Click the Update button.

  • When the updated nomination is confirmed, your pharmacy NACS code is displayed confirming this pharmacy is nominated.

  • Click the Finish button to revert to the eMessages tab.

The patient's pharmacy nomination is now in place. All subsequent prescriptions will be directed to this pharmacy on an out-of-hours basis. Alternatively, they can be retrieved from the spine on demand.


See also Nominated prescriptions - out-of hours retrieval.


See also Nominated prescriptions - ad hoc retrieval.



Remember - use keyboard shortcuts such as   plus the underlined letter. It's quicker and easier!

Updated 8th September 2008