About Sensitivities - a description


Some patients may be particularly sensitive to a particular product or type of product.

  • Log this on the Pharmacy Manager system in the patient's details screen, using the Sensitivities tab.

You can add, amend or delete Sensitivities on this tab.

can be used to record true allergies, such as a Penicillin allergy or idiosyncratic responses to a particular specific ingredient or a related ingredient, such as systemic first generation antihistamines, to indicate that a patient experiences excessive sedation.


There are two levels of severity: Normal and Important.

True allergies
, as in the Penicillin example above, would be classed as Important.

Important sensitivities require acknowledgement of the sensitivity report in the message box. Otherwise, a normal sensitivity report appears as a reminder only and you do not have to acknowledge it. You can also add a comment to any sensitivity; this can act as a reminder, or to record further details. This will display in the message box if you select any relevant product to dispense.

There are two types of sensitivity: Ingredient and Family.

Ingredient Sensitivities

Pharmacy Manager checks sensitivities across the active generic ingredients of a product. No special significance is attached to a particular brand, strength or pack size. For immediate recognition of sensitivity after you have entered it, it may be more logical to use generic products wherever possible.

When attaching a sensitivity to a patient for a combination product, try to ascertain which ingredient is responsible, then wherever possible attach a sensitivity to the patient, using a product that contains that single ingredient. Pharmacy Manager will quite happily crosscheck ingredients for multi-ingredient products, but in doing so, it may generate an alert on a common ingredient that is not related to the patient's problem. In this case, it might help to add a comment to the sensitivity.

Family Sensitivities

Pharmacy Manager allows you to attach a pharmacologically related group of products as a family sensitivity – i.e. sensitivity to a family of products.

If a patient is flagged as having sensitivity to a 'Family', then any product within that family will produce a warning if dispensed. To prevent unnecessary alerts, many of the families operate explicitly. For example, "Diuretics, thiazide with K supplement", for sensitivity purposes, is not related to "Diuretics, thiazide with K sparing diuretic". This allows you to record a specific sensitivity to a particular type of combination, and is useful when a patient is comfortable with one type of combination but not the other.

Pharmacy Manager indicates that there is a product family relationship available and displays a message giving details of the relationship. Again, you can add a comment.

See also Adding a Sensitivity