Pack and container assistance  

Switching on assistance

To switch on reconstituted mixture assistance:

  • From the Tools menu, select Pharmacy Details
  • Click the Products tab
  • Tick Reconstituted Quantity Assistance and/or any of the other Assistance options.

Pharmacy Manager provides assistance when dispensing a reconstituted mixture and the amount prescribed is not a multiple of a pack size. Under these circumstances (in England only), it is permissible to either dispense the prescribed quantity or to round the quantity issued up to the next nearest pack size.



Applies only if you have enabled Reconstituted Quantity Assistance. See Set Pack / Container Assistance.

Calendar pack assistance

If you have enabled Calendar Pack Assistance ( See Set Pack / Container Assistance), Pharmacy Manager will check dispensed quantities against Drug Tariff rules and, if appropriate, suggest alternative quantities.



To override calendar pack assistance for a particular item, enter an 'e' after the dispensed quantity. For example, to dispense 30 tablets and override the calendar pack checking, enter a quantity of '30e'.

Special container assistance

Special Container Assistance is intended to help with items such as those that deteriorate once opened to the air. When a special container item is dispensed Pharmacy Manager will check that the dispensed quantity is an exact multiple of a pack or sub-pack. If this is not the case, it suggests alternatives.

Applies only if you have enabled Special Container Assistance. see Set Pack / Container Assistance.

When a special container is dispensed, Pharmacy Manager will check that the dispensed quantity is an exact multiple of a pack or sub-pack. If this is not the case, it suggests alternative quantities.

Split container


Split packs - gives the correct label quantity for each label. (This is not for unopened packs; for that case, use Special containers; e.g. for drugs that can’t be split, e.g. eye drops, tubes of cream, etc.)

Pharmacy Manager will suggest correct pack breakdowns against the pack size of the item. If you enter a quantity that is not a multiple of the pack size, e.g. 65 on a 16 pack, the system will suggest the correct breakdown, 16,16,16,17. This is an option that can be over-ridden by selecting the initial quantity entered.

See Set Pack / Container Assistance.