List Alternative Brands     

For generic products

If you wish to dispense a brand instead of the generic shown in the Written As field:

  • Press <Ctrl> and <B> to access the brand list.

  • Select the correct brand from the list.

Branded generics

Alternatively, some manufacturers produce ranges of branded generics.

When branded generics are available, they are displayed with any brands after you type <Ctrl> and <B> to access the brand list.

Additionally, they are highlighted with the branded generic icon in the left margin.


Note: When using a dispensing robot for branded generics, the icon reflects both.

Set brand or branded generic as default?

While you are here, you can assign the selected brand or branded generic as the default that you will dispense each time.

  • Click Default

This sets the default and returns you to the Dispensary screen.

Set default brand or branded generic from Product Inquiry

If you wish, you can assign a particular brand as the default to be dispensed, without dispensing the item.

  • Press <Shilft> and <Ctrl> and <F2> , or double-click on the Product Icon to start the Find Product dialog;

  • Or, if dispensing, press & to access the Drug details.

  • Enter drug name as described above, highlight the entry required and click on the Details button.

  • Select the Dispensary tab and click on the option Default to dispense option then click on Find.

  • If there is more than one alternative, it will display a list to select from.

  • Highlight the preferred one and click on OK.

This brand will automatically show as the product to dispense each time.

Note: When selecting generics with a brand substitution set up, they will be displayed with an @ after the name.