Pharmacy Details - Responsible Pharmacist tab

The Responsible Pharmacist tab allows you to set up a responsible pharmacist within Pharmacy Manager.

From Pharmacy Manager, select Tools - System Settings - Pharmacy Details - Responsible Pharmacist:

Before you can use the Pharmacy Manager Responsible Pharmacist facility, it must be activated.

The following Responsible Pharmacist settings can be updated from the Responsible Pharmacist tab:

  • Enable reminder - Tick to activate a reminder if the responsible pharmacist has not logged in.
    • Enter the number of minutes, between 5 and 120, before the reminder triggers
  • Show a reminder on startup for missing/incomplete records - Tick to enable.
    • Enter the time period in weeks you want to view missing records for.
    • Enter the length of any missing periods before it displays as incomplete.

Select Apply to save and apply changes before changing tab.

Select OK to save and close Pharmacy Details.