Dispensing a Paper Prescription

To dispense a paper prescription:

  1. From the Pharmacy Manager Side Navigation Bar select Dispensary .

  1. Complete the following sections:
    • Patient - Enter all or part of the patient name and press <Enter>, see Selecting a Patient for more details.
    • Prescriber - Enter all or part of the prescriber’s name and press <Enter>, see Confirm the Prescriber for more details.
  2. Enter the number of items in No Items, press <Enter>.
  3. The prescription default is FP10, if required, double click FP10 , and select from the prescription types offered.
  4. In Written as, enter all or part of the item name and press <Enter>.

    For example, if you are searching for Paracetamol 500mg tablets:

    • PARA - All items beginning with PARA display.

    • PARA 500 - All items beginning with PARA with a strength of 500 display.

    • PARA 500 TAB - All items beginning with PARA with a strength of 500 in tablet form display.

  5. Select the appropriate item and pack size from the list of medications offered.
    Training Tip - To change to a generic medication, press the <Ctrl> + <G> keys and select from the list of generics offered, or to change brand press the <Ctrl> + <B> keys and select from the list of brands offered. Press <Ctrl> + <C> to bring up a list of different pack sizes.
  6. In Quantity, enter the prescribed quantity and press <Enter>.

    Quantity can be entered in various ways, for example:

    • 28 - Prints one label with a quantity of 28.

    • 2p - Prints two labels, each for a single pack quantity.

    • 60,20,20 - Prints separate labels for each of the specified quantities.

    • 30x4 - Prints four labels of a quantity of 30.

  7. In Directions, enter the directions to be printed on the label. You can enter the directions in full, or you can use the pre-defined dose codes, for example, One to be taken Daily can be entered by typing '1 [Space] d' or select Direction , the Find Direction screen displays, enter part of the description required and select Find. Select the direction required and select OK:

  8. Select Finish Item to add the next item, or Finish if this is the final item.

The prescription can now be endorsed, either now or later, see Endorsing a Prescription.

Item labels and, if configured, bag labels are printed for the items prescribed.

  • To print extra labels:

    • Additional item labels - Select Print - Extra Label, enter the number required and select OK.
    • Additional bag labels - Select Print - Bag Label.

Additional Useful Options

  • Patient Note - If there is a note on the patient record, Patient Note displays. To view the note, hover over the icon or double click on it.
  • Cancel - Select to cancel any record of this prescription.
  • Save to pending - Select to save the current prescription to Pending , allowing a dispenser to return to it at a later date.
  • Reprint a label - From Patient , find the patient required. Select the History tab, highlight the item required and select Reprint.
See Repeating an Item for further details.


Dispensing a Paper Prescription (3:22)