Enabling Online Demographic Access

Providing they are registered for online services, you can enable your patients to view and/or update certain aspects of their demographic information. This is designed to save administration time within your practice.

To enable this facility:

  1. From Vision 3- Management Tools select Control Panel - File Maintenance - Online and the Vision Online Services screen displays.
  2. Under the Demographics section, select from:
    • View - Tick to enable your patients to view their own:
      • NHS Number/CHI Number/H+C Number
      • Full Name (surname, forenames and title )
      • Date of Birth
      • Gender
      • Marital Status
      • Usual GP (title, first name and surname)
      • Main Address
      • Email (preferred)
      • Telephone Numbers (latest recorded mobile and home number)
      • Ethnic Category (latest recorded)
      • Branch Surgery attended (determined by the Notes kept at option in the patient's Registration record)
    • Auto Update - Tick to enable your patients to be able to update their own:

      • Home phone number
      • Verified mobile number
      • Preferred email address
      • Preferred Spoken Language
      • Preferred Written Language

The audit trail shows the update has been made by ROSU, indicating a patient submitted amendment:

England Only - If your patients do update their demographic information via patient online services, the next time that patient is selected in Vision, a PDS Mismatch screen displays. Check the update is by ROSU and providing it is, the update should be accepted.

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