Setting up and Populating a Test Patient

After Carbonite Migrate is installed on your system, we recommend you create and populate a test patient on your system.

This gives you a patient to check details on and use going forwards as a training and practice patient.

To add a test patient:

  1. From the Vision 3 front screen, select Registration.

  2. Select New Patient .

  3. The 'Add Member to an existing Family' message displays, select New.
  4. The Registration - Personal Details screen displays, you must set up the test patient with the following details:

    • Surname - Patient

    • Forename1 - Test

    • Forname2 - Migration

  5. Complete the rest as required, ensuring that in Registration Status you select Test Patient:

  6. The New Patient Vision message displays, select Yes to continue.

  7. The Registration Details screen displays, complete as required.

You should now add some clinical detail to this patient record. We recommend creating a record similar to the record below with a mix of dates and data:

For example:

  • Medical History entries - Add a few medical history entries with different priorities and clinical terms, see Adding a Medical History Entry in the Consultation Manager Help Centre for details.

  • Acute Therapy items - Add a few acute medication entries, see Adding and Printing an Acute Prescription in the Consultation Manager Help Centre for details.

  • Repeat items - Add a few repeat master entries, see Adding a Repeat Prescription in the Consultation Manager Help Centre for details.

  • Examination Findings - Add a few examination findings, see Using the Add Menu in the Consultation Manager Help Centre for details.

  • Test Results - Add a few examination findings, see Adding Test Results Manually in the Consultation Manager Help Centre for details.

Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.