Adding Pharmacists
A pharmacist prescriber may be a Pharmacist Supplementary Prescriber (PSP) or a Pharmacist Independent Prescriber (PIP). Both can prescribe, supply and administer medicines and medical devices.
To add a Pharmacist to Vision 3:
- From Control Panel, select File Maintenance and then Staff
, or the Staff tab.
- Now, select either Add
, or right click Active
and select Add Staff.
Complete the Personal tab:
Mandatory information:
- Surname (up to 30 characters)
- Forename1 (up to 30 characters)
- Title - Select as appropriate.
- Sex
- Short Name - This is a mandatory entry, up to 5 characters, and is a short way to identify this staff member.Note - The Short Name should only contain letters.
Optional information:
- Preferred Name
- Forename 2
- DoB
- Previous Surname
- Vaild From/Valid To - Enter dates if relevant.
- Inactive - Tick to indicate the nurse is no longer active, and no longer appears on selection lists of active users, see Inactivating a User for details.
- Miles from practice - For travel expenses, to record the number of miles the staff member is from the practice. Leave blank rather than entering zero.
- Select the Professional tab and complete the following:
- Role - Select Pharmacist.
Supplementary Prescriber / Independent Presc - Tick as appropriate for the prescriber.
- Prescribing No:
- Enter the pharmacist's RPSGB code.
- In England the format is NNANNNNA where N is a number and A is a letter, for example, '12A3456B'.
- In Scotland this is a 7 digit code, usually a unique code for each practice worked at, for example '1234567'. The GPhC registration number should be entered in Add Identifiers. In Identifier Type, select GPhC Number. Organisation is greyed out. In Identifier Value, enter the GPhC registration number, a 7 digit code starting with a 2. This is the same for every practice the staff member works in.
- In Wales all independent or supplementary prescribers (nurse or pharmacists) should have a HSW registration number entered, this is printed on the bottom of prescriptions. This is in addition to the Prescribing Number which also prints on the prescription (on the same line as the prescriber's name). The HSW registration number should be entered in Add Identifiers. In Identifier Type, select HSW Registration Number. Organisation is greyed out. In Identifier Value, enter the HSW Registration Number, the format for which is S followed by six digits. If the prescriber is permitted to issue private controlled drug prescriptions, then a private controlled drug code must be entered in Identifiers - Add - Identifier Type.
- In Northern Ireland, you can enter a 4 or 5 digit code.
- Enter the pharmacist's RPSGB code.
Select OK to save.
Note - For staff employed by the health board, follow the same procedure for a prescriber described above but remove the tick in Employed by Practice. In Employer, select the organisation for which they work. This organisation should previously have been entered in File Maintenance - Organisation.
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