Clinics Tab
The Clinics tab enables you to determine which Clinics (ad-hoc sessions that are not linked to a specific clinician) are available to your patients online.
To add clinics:
- From the Vision Online Services Appointments Configuration screen, select the Clinics tab.
- The All Clinics box is ticked by default, to change this to specific clinics, remove the tick:
- Select Add
- The Vision Online Services Select Clinic screen displays:
- Select the required clinic from the list and select OK.
- Repeat step 4 and 5 until you have added all the clinics you require.
- If you have selected all the clinics in the list you are prompted, 'All available clinics have been added to the list.', select OK to continue.
To remove a clinic from the list:
- From Vision Online Services Appointments Configuration screen, select the Clinics tab.
- Highlight the clinic to remove and select Remove.
- You are prompted 'Are you sure that you want to remove (name of clinic) from the list?' Select Yes to remove.
Note – To print this topic select Print
in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.
![](../../../Resources/Images/Assets/Icons/snippet icons/printer_icon.png)