Guidelines/Reports Design Mode
First follow the steps in New, Copy, Edit, View, Delete Guidelines and Reports and Header - Guidelines and Reports.
The screen will now be in Design mode. You can also reach design mode if you choose View for a local guideline or report, then click on when the guideline or report displays.
- The Design Mode icon
appears depressed when a guideline or report is in maintenance or design mode. Clicking on this icon again reverts to normal patient record mode where if you selected a patient, their records would be merged in the appropriate lines.
- Maximise the screen by clicking on
In design mode, the design mode icon is shown at the top left. A large R to its right indicates if it is a report.
- Whatever description is given in the Header screen is shown on the top line beside the design mode icon.
- A mobile floating toolbar is shown with icons that can be used in maintenance. See Floating Toolbar in Design Mode.
- You can also use the right mouse or menu toolbar for other functions. See Right mouse options in Design Mode/Maintenance and Menu toolbar.
- When you look at expanded lines in design mode, they show the criteria for each line, rather than any specific patient details.
- After any changes, remember to save
- A line is selected when it is either highlighted in blue, or if a sub-heading, framed by lines above and below.