Health Boards in Scotland and Northern Ireland
Note - In Northern Ireland, although the Health Boards are indicated by the following standard codes, select Northern Ireland from the list which fills in the cipher NI.
Scotland |
N. Ireland |
C Argyll & Clyde |
ZE0 Eastern Health and Social Services Board |
A Ayrshire & Arran |
ZN0 Northern Health and Social Services Board |
B Borders |
ZS0 Southern Health and Social Services Board |
Y Dumfries & Galloway | ZW0 Western Health and Social Services Board |
F Fife |
V Forth Valley | |
N Grampian |
G Greater Glasgow |
H Highland |
L Lanarkshire |
S Lothian |
R Orkney |
Z Shetland |
T Tayside |
W Western Isles |
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