Categories of Organisations
The following is a list of types of organisations you can add in File Maintenance - Organisation Details:
- Armed Forces
- Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) - In England only, if you select your CCG in the File Maintenance - Practice Details screen, then the PCT address is printed on prescriptions. If unselected, the HA prints instead. If blank, the TP is prints.
- Commissioning Agency
- Community Unit
- Company
- County Local Authority
- Credit Card Company - These appear on a list in Registration - Identifiers for private patients' credit card numbers.
- Department of Health
- Directly Managed Unit
- District Health Authority
- Drug Manufacturer - Needed for the list when entering therapy batch numbers for immunisations in the Consultation Manager - Therapy - Add screen.
- Drug Supplier
- Family Planning Clinic
- General Practitioner Fund Holder
- GP Branch surgery
- GP Practice
- HA - Use HA for a Strategic Health Authority in England or Local Health Board in Wales, and one with whom you are not electronically linked, linked HAs are entered in TP/HB/CSA. It is an optional entry on a patient's Registration screen.
- Hospital - If you select this, tick Provider Unit as well so this hospital appears on the list in Consultation Manager - Referrals - Add and in a patient's Registration - Identifiers tab so you can enter the hospital number.
- In Practice Systems Practices
- Insurance organisations for patients - These can be entered on a patient's Registration - Other tab.
- NHS Trust - Like Hospitals, if you tick Provider Unit, they appear in a list on Consultation Manager - Referrals - Add, and in a patient's Registration - Identifiers tab.
- Other Agency
- Parish Local Authority
- Pharmacy - You can enter the patient's preferred pharmacy in Consultation Manager - Patient Details - Preferences tab.
- Primary Care Group
- Primary Care Trust - In Wales only, if you select your PCT in the File Maintenance - Practice Details screen, then the PCT address prints on prescriptions. If unselected, the HA be prints instead. If blank, the TP is prints.
- Prison Services
- Professional insurance organisations
- Regional Health Authority
- Registered non-NHS Provider
- Residential Institutes - The Residential Institute (RI) code is entered for nursing home patients and other residential institutes, on a patient's Registration details, for practices with electronic links to the HA in England & Wales.
- Schools - Schools can be recorded in Child Health Surveillance Management Plan, under Schooling, in Consultation Manager.
- Self-Help Groups
- Social Services Department
- Special Health Authority
- TP/HB/CSA - Use this in Scotland or Northern Ireland for your Health Board / CSA. In England and Wales, use this for a Health Authority with whom you have an electronic link. TP means Trading Partners, the term used in GP Communicator to denote an organisation to which there is an electronic link. An extra option of LINK is enabled on the Organisation - Add screen.
- Unregistered non-NHS Provider
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