Formatting HTML Messages
Messages can be formatted using HTML formatting tags. HTML tags are:
- Used either side of a keyword you wish to format, for example, <html>.
- The tag always has angle brackets denoting the starting and closing of the tag for example, <html>.
- HTML tags normally come in pairs, for example, <b> (the starting tag) and </b> (the closing tag).
- You can use multiple tags, but each tag must have brackets at the start and end of the tag , for example<p><b>Text here</b></p>
This is a list of the most common codes:
Starting Tag |
Closing Tag |
Description |
<h1> |
</h1> |
First Heading. Headings can be defined with <h1> to <h6> tags. <h1> is the largest heading and <h6> is the smallest. |
<p> |
</p> |
Paragraph |
<b> |
</b> |
Bold text |
<big> |
</big> |
Big text |
<i> |
</i> |
Italic text |
<small> |
</small> |
Small text |
<sub> |
</sub> |
Subscript text |
<sup> |
</sup> |
Superscript text |
<br> |
This tag adds a single line break, it does not need a closing tag. |
For example applying the bold <b> tag to the 1st line of the message like this:
- <b>Welcome to the Visionary Healthcare Practice</b>
Displays as:
- Welcome to theVisionary Healthcare Practice
Note - If you want to add an image to your message, you must link to an image which can be accessed over the Internet and not one stored locally. Locally stored images cannot be displayed on the website.
Note – To print this topic select Print
in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.