Reception View - Overview

The Reception View displays when you start Appointments. It displays the clinician and clinic sessions side by side, to display appointments at a glance.

From the Reception View, you can select:

    • AM or PM
    • Seven day date range
    • Calendar
    • Skip to 'n' weeks - Today, +1 to 6 weeks, previous week
    • Filter - See Applying or Editing Filters for details.
    • Free slot - See The Free Slot Search for details.
    • Scroll, to access more appointments
    • Appointment status - select status to check patient in or increment status
    • Events - display under the Clinician's name
    • View Menu - easily navigate to other views
    • Command Menu - add sessions, refresh the view, expand/collapse, print options and save order
    • Clipboard - quickly reschedule Appointments
    • SMS Messages - See SMS Messaging (Shared Care) for details.

To show all the columns on your screen, select Options - Collapse All. Select Expand All reverts to the default view.

Alternatively, select each column's owner individually to expand or collapse.

Training Tip - Filters can also be applied per user to the Reception View.


Navigating the Reception View (2:10)

Note – To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.