What's New
Appointments Version 2.1
Feature | Details |
Weekly views for Clinicians and Clinics |
Functionality for users to access a weekly view for clinicians and clinics. See Weekly View. |
Adding a Session via Weekly View |
Allows a user to add a session via the new weekly view. |
Integration with Consultation Manager |
Allows the user to access the patient record with the patient in context from Vision Appointments to V3 Consultation Manager. |
Integration with Registration |
Allows the user to access the Registration links in V3 with the patient in context from Vision Appointments. |
Differentiate between Active and Inactive slot types |
In the booking view and insert slot view, inactive slot types now appear with a strike through in the text. |
Type to search for slot type |
You can now type to search for your required slot type when booking an appointment. See Book an Appointment. |
Appointments Version 2.0

Newly designed screens, to be even more user friendly.

Replaces the Session view, and includes:
- Collapsible columns
- Jump List - navigate forwards a set number of weeks
- Banner alert for pending view changes
- Cancel multiple appointments
See - Reception View.

- Appointments list
- Evacuation Report
See - Emergency Evacuation Report and Print Appointments Lists.

- Jump List - navigate forwards a set number of weeks
- Clipboard integration added
See - Free Slot Search - Overview.

- Checkbox added to create Special Booking.
- Warning banner displays any alerts
- Override 'Day's Prior' warnings added
- Record Booking Method from drop down list
See - Book an Appointment.

Appointments can be deleted from the clipboard.

Users with full Appointments rights can mark slots as unavailable, and then release when required.
See - Make Slots Unavailable.

The view now displays the following appointments:
- Booked - Displays up to 1 hour ahead of current time
- In Consultation or Arrived - Always displays
- DNA - Displays up to 1 hour prior to current time

Now includes unavailable slots.
Appointments Version 1.7

- The Current Appointments view replaces the previous Day view, this now shows booked appointments within the next hour and earlier DNAs.
This is designed to be a screen used for quickly booking in patients. - The Session view now includes the options to expand / collapse sessions with summary of booked / free slots.
- The Free slot search includes the calendar view options, and has a new
This now includes the option to search by slot duration.

Sessions can be added and deleted on an ad hoc basis within the session view.

Includes updates to utilise new Back Office features, such as default slot type, duration and additional session information.

When making an appointment and the duration has been extended, the option displays to bulk multiple slots which prevents the following slot(s) over running.

You can now filter by session name.

The limit of 10 saved Practice and Personal filters has been removed.

A default filter can be set per user.

The columns in the session view can be re-ordered and saved within a filter.

The Free slot search maintains the active filter, and the filter can be refined further within the view.
This includes the option to search by slot duration.
The slot type is now visible upon hover.
Choice of calendar or list style. This can be changed in preferences.

Allows the user to copy an appointment onto the clipboard using 'CTRL+drag'.

Allows the user to see the default duration assigned to the slot type when inserting or changing a slot type, or within the booking form.
Appointments Version 1.6
The V1.6 release of Appointments brings the following updates:

We have listened to feedback and created the new Session view, which displays the clinician's sessions side by side, giving quick easy access to all sessions.
See - Session View.

You can now choose between AM or PM views.

The new Quick Search displays a random list of 10 free slots in time order.
This also works in conjunction with any filter applied.
The total number of free slots also display.

We have updated the date selector which now displays at the top of the screen, 'Today' initially displays in the middle.
Use the arrows to move forwards or backwards 7 days.
This has replaced the previous Days in Preview option.

Preferences can now be updated to include / exclude overrun slots in the Free slot definition.
See - Preferences - General.

From the session heading you can now select all the free slots or booked slots, and perform an action such as changing the slot type on the group.
There is also a deselect option to clear the selection.

You can now drag and drop appointments between sessions and the clipboard.

The clipboard is now on the right hand side of the screen and is accessed via the Clipboard button on the new toolbar.

This is available for appointments on the clipboard, hover over the warning triangle to display.
If the warning is set to discreet you are asked to select to view details.

Any slots booked online display the globe icon next to the patient's name.

Events display in the session view.

Hover over the filter button to see the name of the applied filter.

Hover over an appointment that is marked as Arrived, In Consultation or Seen to see the time of that status.
See - Video Tutorials.
Appointments Version 1.5.8
The V1.5.8 release of Appointments brings the following updates:

Inactive book owners with Appointments are displayed with a "strike-through".

The "Show all clinicians" option activates when you have more than 10 clinicians.
When this is selected, the "Filter by" view now displays the full name of the clinician, instead of the short name.
Any clinicians who are marked inactive as a book owner, and have appointments slots, are indicated with a "strike-through".

If you have more than 5 clinics the "Show all clinics" option is active.
Once this is selected, the "Filter by" view now displays both the short name and the full name of the clinic.
Any clinics that are inactive and have appointments are indicated with the "strike through".
Appointments Version 1.5
The V 1.5 release of Appointments brings the following updates:

Users with full administrative rights can now save filters that can be used by all staff who access Appointments. The saved filters are accessed via the right click on Filter , and are identified by practice filter

Web slots and bookings are now clearly identifiable with a globe icon on the appointment.

Users now have a confirmation message that their booking has been successful.

When multiple items are selected, a count is displayed at the bottom right of the screen.

You can now view all ‘special bookings’ in the past rather than only those scheduled in the search screen.

You can now merge a maximum of 10 consecutive appointments.

You can select a specific date whilst on the Day View by clicking on the date at the top of the screen.

The sparkline in Day View has been moved to the far right of the screen.

You can now change slot types on the Calendar and Day Views. When you highlight an appointment and right click, change type appears on the toolbar.

The Calendar and Dashboard icons have been updated from icons to text.

Background changes have been made to the Calendar View to reduce the scrolling.

You can now move to the next field of the Booking form without using the mouse.

The Patient View now displays a patient’s preferred spoken language(s).

When booking an appointment from the Patient View, the patients preferred spoken language aligns a clinician for an appointment, based on language preferences. E g Propose a Welsh speaking GP for an appointment with a Welsh speaking patient.

An online / offline
icon in the top right corner of every screen now alerts you if there is no access to the network.

New screens accessed from the drop down list next to your name, allow you to tailor certain settings within Appointments at a user or practice level. For example:
DNA icon - Pulse On or Off
Display patient recall information in Patient View

If you have a Dymo printer at your practice you can now use it to print an appointment label.