Practice Wide Filters

Your practice can have shared filters.

Only members of staff with admin rights can create practice wide filters.

To set a Practice Wide Filter:

  1. Select the Filter button.
  2. If the Filter is orange it means an existing filter is active. See - Clear Filters.

  3. Filters can be applied to the following categories:
    • Gender
    • Spoken Language
    • Clinician
    • Clinic
    • Slot Types
    • Sessions
    Note - Any clinics or clinicians that are marked as inactive book owners, and have appointments, are indicated by a "strike through". Any inactive book owners without appointments are not displayed.
  4. Select a category heading to expand, for example, languages.

  5. Choose from the available options.
    As the options are chosen, the number of clinicians updates automatically.
  6. Select additional categories as required.

  7. Select Save .
  8. Enter the Filter Name in the box.

  9. Tick the Practice Wide filter option.
  10. Select Save and apply to use the new filter immediately or Save.

    When you right click on Filter you can see any practice wide filters that have been set. These are identified with a House symbol.

  11. Optionally, you can reorder the columns in the Reception view, then from the Command menu, select Save Order.
    This saves the order of columns to the filter settings.
Note - You can only delete a practice wide filter if you have sufficient admin rights.