Applied Registration Status
When a new patient requests to register at your practice their details are added in Vision 3 - Registration. Once completed, the application is sent to the Health Authority (HA) for approval. Patients with an applied registration status are not included in the Initial Upload and you cannot access the National Summary tab in Consultation Manager. It is strongly recommended that you regularly search for patients with an erroneous registration status of Applied.
Whilst the patient is "Applied" their consent status can be updated, however, this is not sent to the Spine until the patient's record is next selected once they are "Permanent". If no consent preference is recorded for the patient implied consentis assumed, it displays as "No Preference Expressed" in Consultation Manager. When permanent the patient's SCR contains core data only.
Whilst "Applied" the patient's current consent status can be viewed in Consultation Manager - Patient Detail - Preferences.