SCR Viewer

You can now access SCR records for patients that are not permanently registered at your practice via the SCR Viewer module. This includes options to access the SCR message for emergency access or legal reasons and should be monitored by the practice Privacy Officer, see Appointing a Practice Privacy Officer for further details.

Note - Access to this viewer requires Smartcard access, the viewer is not available offline.

To use the SCR Viewer you must have access to Consultation Manager and the following RBAC roles and have a Privacy Officer appointed at the practice:

  • B0370 - (View Summary Health Records) - For the SCR Viewer.
  • B0168 (View when permission could not be requested) - Emergency access to view the SCR.
  • B0082 (Legal Override of Consent) - Legal access to view the SCR.

Prior to selecting a patient via the SCR Viewer the patient must be registered as a non-permanent patient in Vision 3 - Registration.

The following mandatory details are required:

  • NHS Number
  • Surname
  • Gender
  • DOB
  • Forename or Postcode

    Note - When registering non-permanent patients you should be logged in with your Smartcardto ensure the patients details are confirmed by PDS.

For details of how to register a non-permanent patient see the Registration on-screen help.

In this section

Appointing a Practice Privacy Officer

Viewing the SCR