Language Read

To record a patients language read preferences:

  1. From Registration , choose Select Patient and select the patient required.
  2. The Registration Details screen displays, select the Preferences tab.
  3. Select Language Read.
  4. The Vision filing screen appears briefly, followed by the Language Read - Add screen:

  1. Check and update as required:

    • Date - Defaults to today's date.
    • Clinician - If the data is recorded by a member of staff the Clinician defaults to Usual GP. If the person recording the data is set up with a Clinical role, their details are shown.
    • Private/In Practice - Defaults to In Practice.
    • Read Term - Select from the available list.
      Note - To speed data entry Bilingual (Welsh/English), English and Welsh are listed first, followed by an alphabetical list of all the other languages. To choose another language press the first letter of the language required, for example, F (French).
    • Preferred Language Read - Tick if this is the patient's preferred written language.
    • Notes - Free text information can be entered here.
  2. Select OK to save.
  3. A prompt confirms 'The item Language Read was added successfully' select OK.

The latest Language Read information displays on the Preferences tab and is recorded to the patient's clinical record.

Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.