Scottish Care Information - Diabetes Collaboration (SCI-DC)

The Scottish Care Information - Diabetes Collaboration (SCI-DC) Network system aims to improve the health of people with diabetes by providing an integrated electronic patient record. This record is built from a variety of sources across primary care, secondary care and various other external sources and allows professionals involved in patient care to share information as agreed in the Scottish Dataset for Diabetes on a daily basis. The SCI-DC Scheme:

  • Allows patients to have the option to dissent from participation in sharing diabetic information.
  • Extracts relevant diabetic data from Vision 3 for sharing with other health care professionals on the SCI-DC network.
  • Allows for the receipt of new diabetic data into Vision 3 from the SCI-DC network, known as Back Population. This data is managed from Mail Manager and can be automatically added to the patient’s record.