A Summary of Managing Messages


Successful message status

Unsuccessful message status



  • Complete - Messages are fully processed and can be archived if required.
  • Sent awaiting acknowledgement - A successful acknowledgement from the Spine has not yet been received. These messages should be monitored as successful messages normally have a status of Complete.
  • Transmission Error - Details of the error are available in the Audit tab. Right click on the message and select Reprocess.
  • Processing Error - Indicates the message has been rejected, details are available in the audit tab. Again, you can choose to Reprocess the message.



It is advisable that all unsuccessful messages are dealt with on a daily basis due to the volume of messages that pass through the Mail Manager Interface. It is also important that messages are regularly archived.


ETP Messages

  • Sent - Indicates the message is now on the Spine where it stays until it is downloaded by the pharmacist.
  • Processing error - This normally indicates disruption between Mail Manager and the Spine, usually due to the prescriber not being logged into Vision 3 with their Smartcard. ETP errors can be archived, right click on the message and select Archive see Archiving in Mail Manager for details.

From Mail Manager - Tools - Options - Message, leave Show Sent Electronic Prescriptions unticked, this ensures only unsuccessful or error messages display.


eReferral Service Messages

  • Complete - Fully processed and can be archived if required.


  • Sent awaiting acknowledgement - A successful acknowledgement from the Spine has not yet been received. These messages should be monitored through the Activity List in the eReferral Service.


  • Processing error - Check the Audit tab to view the details and if necessary, right click on the message and select Reprocess.

Checking the activity list from the eReferral Service website on the progress of eBooking referrals is the best indicator of the referral message progress.


Outgoing GP2GP Messages

  • Complete - Fully processed and can be archived if required.


  • Sent awaiting acknowledgement - A successful acknowledgement from the Spine has not yet been received. These messages should be monitored.

Incoming GP2GP Messages

  • Available for filing - Right click and select File.

Incoming GP2GP Messages

  • Request rejected - Displays if a matching patient for the GP2GP message cannot be found.


  • Transmission errors - There are numerous reasons why this might occur. Check the Audit tab to see the details of the error. Usual errors are connected to the message is too big (5MB is the limit.). For other Transmission errors, right click on the message and select Reprocess.

If you are sending attachments in a GP2GP transfer, you need to make sure that any attachment documents are as compact as possible. Word processing documents can be very large, especially if they contain images. If at all possible, attached WP documents should be text only.


PDS Updates

  • Complete - Fully processed and can be archived if required.


  • Sent awaiting acknowledgement - A successful acknowledgement from the Spine has not yet been received.
  • Transmission Error - Check the Audit tab to view the details and if necessary, right click on the message and select Reprocess.


  • Sent awaiting acknowledgement - If this does not update, there might be a problem with the message, right click on the message and select Reprocess. If this does not solve the problem, please contact the Helpline.

From Mail Manager - Tools - Options - Message, leave Show Sent PDS unticked, this ensures only unsuccessful or error messages display.



With Pathology, there are a number of status that are possible which reflect that a successful pathology message has been received. but have different filing/allocation status:

  • Available for filing
  • Filed
  • Partially filed
  • Considered filed as complete
  • For incoming Pathology there is no reason why messages would go into error. If you notice anything unusual, please contact the Helpline.

See Pathology for details.


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