SCR - Running the Bulk Upload

Please Note before running your Initial Upload:

  • Once you have started the Initial Upload you must log out of Vision 3 and remove your Smartcard. This avoids the automatic 10 hour shutdown process that logging in with a Smartcard creates. It is vital that the upload process is not interrupted with the exception of using the pause functionality.

  • You must not have Mail Manager open on the workstation running the Initial Upload as all messages will fail without being logged in without a Smartcard.

  • For practices using a remote server, please make sure that you run your Initial Upload at the specific time allocated to you by the Managed Service team. It is vital that you do not terminate your session on the machine running the Initial Upload whilst it is still running.

To run the Bulk Initial Upload:

Note - You must be a System Administrator to run the Initial Upload.
  1. At the time advised, log in to Vision 3 with your Smartcard.
  2. From the Vision 3 Front Screen, select Modules - National Summary Initial Upload.
  3. The National Summary Initial Upload screen displays, select File - Upload.
  4. Before starting the initial upload, you can now optionally enter a stop/pause/resume time. Tick the box next to stop time and enter a convenient time for the process to stop. If you would like to enter a pause time rather than a stop time, you must also add a resume time in the adjacent box.
  5. The Stop Time, Pause/Resume Time displays in the Status Bar. This is also recorded in the initial upload log file.

    As the upload is running, the progress bar displays a patient count of the total number of summaries checked so far. The average upload time per patient and the number of messages sent to the message queue is also displayed.

    Note - Although the total number of summaries sent to the message queue is also displayed, this does not mean that the transmission of these messages has been successful. You MUST monitor the upload messages in Mail Manager.
  6. Now that the upload is running, go to the Vision 3 Front Screen and close the application, then remove your Smartcard. The initial upload should continue to run on your workstation.

  7. Once the Upload is complete, you are prompted with the following screen which gives you the Upload statistics: National Summary Initial Upload completed successfully together with details of the numbers of qualifying patients.

  8. Select OK to finish.

The SCR is not accessible on the patient record until an acknowledgment has been received from the National Spine.

In this section

Stop Time Reached

Pause Time Reached

Resume Cancelled

Cancel Upload

Already Run to Completion

Partially Completed

Upload Errors

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