Search and Reports

Search and Reports allows you to extract almost any patient related data that has been entered in Vision 3

A search defines the criteria and looks at the patient database to find matching patients. You can create and save any reports required.

A suite of pre-defined template searches are also available. These can be used as a starting point for your searches, or can be run as they are. The template and pre-defined searches include drug and recall searches.

Standard reports include the Target Report, Health Promotion Report, Capitation Report, Referrals Report and Drug Usage Report. There are also a number of Patient Reports which can be run for an individual patient or a group, using standard or user-defined criteria and report display, and producing, for example, an Encounter report, a Home Visit report and a Health Check report.

There are four sections to setting up an ad-hoc user-defined search and report - many examples are given in the Searches & Report on-screen help under specific headings, for example, Diabetes or Maternity.

  • Search Input - Define which patients to search, the whole patient database, or within an existing group.
  • Search Details - A wide range of search criteria can be specified on almost any clinical or administrative detail. The criteria selection screens use a common format which quickly becomes familiar to the user. who and what entities you are searching for, which patient details (for example, females only) and which clinical details (for example, patients with blood pressure record).
  • Report Output - Determine how the search result displays, printed, viewed on screen, count of patients only, detailed or summary report, exported to file?. Multiple report formats can be output to file for seamless integration with other applications.
  • Report Details - What the report displays, for example, the patient's BP record or smear result and whether to display all records or only those that match.

Batching and scheduling allows reports to be run at a time to suit you.

A similar procedure can be used for problems other than the ENCOUNTER Problem (Currently Relevant), for example, for all patients with diabetes or asthma, for whom a problem of diabetes or asthma is to be created.

See the Search and Reports Help Centre for full details.
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