Regular Maintenance of Software
- Use a computer anti-virus program. This should be updated regularly, at least once a month, to cope with new viruses.
- Carefully check any data sources coming into the practice for viruses, no matter where it has come from. Some practices have a "quarantine PC", which is totally isolated from any other computer. The quarantine PC can be used to test all data sources (data and software) for viruses.
- Don't use non-standard software, for example, from magazine covers, friends, clubs.
- Regularly back up your files and keep the copies safe off-site, see A Sound Backup Strategy and Off-site Storage of Backups for details.
- Make copies of your Windows registry files.
- Password protect your data. Password lists should not be stuck up on noticeboards!
- Regularly run hard-drive maintenance tools, particularly surface scans, and defragmentation routines. This helps to avoid writing to damaged disk sectors.
- Discourage staff from tinkering with the program files.
- Screensavers in Vision 3 are compulsory and blank screens after a short time interval.
- Where possible, archive material from the hard disk.
- Delete duplicated documents from a word processing package and zip up other large word-processing documents. A "Disk Full" message could mean disaster.
- Join the Tape Verification Service.
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