Frequently Asked Questions - General

Suppose you want to ensure that all relevant new GMS contract guidelines are passively triggered when a patient is selected.
- Identify the patients with one of the new contract conditions using Clinical Audit - control and right click on the audit line to see the name of the system group. Open Patient Groups, select the file (most easily done if sorted by count first) and make this the work group (select the blue blob on the toolbar). Save this group.
- Open Populate Problems from Modules on the front Vision 3 menu. Use this to add a relevant READ code to this group, for example, COPD NOS.
- Do the same for all the other new contract conditions, ie identify the audit group, and save it with a new name, for example, #*DIAB, then Populate Problems adding a relevant READ code to this group.
- Select the new contract guidelines (Select Guidelines, type in nc and press Enter), and one by one, edit the triggers, making sure you first change the radio button from User Settings to Practice settings. For example, make eg, COPD NOS the trigger for NCCOPD guideline.
- Ensure users are set up to have guidelines passively triggered (Consultations - Options - Setup - Management - Automatic Triggering).
- When you select a patient you should now have a list of relevant guidelines displayed in the Alerts pane (bottom left of screen).
- Keep the groups up to date each month by repeating steps 1 and 2.
Data Entry

The following Staff Roles are not considered clinical roles in Vision 3:
Computer manager
Biomedical Scientist Access Role
Business Manager
Clinical Coder Access Role
Fund Manager
Interpreter/Link Worker
Maintenance Staff
Other Additional Clinical Services
Other Admin & Clerical
Other Professional Scientific & Technical
Other Students
Practice Manager
All other Staff Roles are considered 'clinical' for data entry purposes.
See Adding Staff - A Quick Reference Guide in the Management Tools Help Centre for details
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