Setting up a Remote Desktop Connection

To set up a Remote Desktop Connection:

  1. From your PC or laptop, select:
    • Windows 7 - Select Start - All Program - Accessories - Remote Desktop Connection.
    • Windows 10 - Select Start - Windows Accessories - Remote Desktop Connection.

2. The Remote Desktop Connection screen displays:

3. Complete as follows:

  • Computer - Enter the details of the AEROS site you wish to connect to, for example, if your Vision 3 user number is 12345, you would enter
  • Show Options - Select the General tab and check the User name contains INPSNHS\ followed by your Computer name, enter the same user name you use in your practice:

4. Select Save As and the Save As screen displays:

5. Navigate to your Desktop and in File name enter Remote Vision.

6. Select Save.

The Remote Vision icondisplays on your desktop ready for use:

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