Adding a Book Owner - Clinic

To create a clinic as a Book Owner:

  1. From the Appointments Setup menu, select the Book owners - Clinics.
  2. The Clinic book owners screen displays, select Show inactive at the top right to display inactive clinics.
  3. The Clinic book owners screen displays:

  1. Select Add clinic book owner and the Create clinic book owner screen displays:

  1. Complete as follows:
    • Name - Enter the clinic name
    • Short Name - Enter an abbreviated form of the clinic name, between 2 - 5 characters.
  2. Select Apply and the Clinic book owners screen displays with new clinic included.
  3. Select Save to save your changes or Reset to cancel any changes:

Updating Rows

The following notifications display on the screen when additions, modifications and deletions are made:

  • Addition - Adding a new row.

  • Modification - Modifying an existing row.

  • Deletion - Deleting rows.

Note - The notifications disappear once you save or reset the changes, a warning symbol displays if the change cannot be made, for example, if the name is already in use.
Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.