Influenza QOF Category

Influenza QOF Lists England - New Influenza category for England only that groups all influenza indicators into one list. Previously practices would invite patients for a flu vaccination using the influenza indicator within each category. With the new influenza category practices can view and invite all qualifying patients under one category.

Category Indicator
Chronic Heart Disease CHD007: Influenza immunisation required
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

COPD007: Influenza immunisation required

Diabetes Mellitus DM018: Influenza immunisation required
Stroke and Transient Ischaemic Attacks STIA009: Influenza vaccination required

To send influenza invites to patients who are in the above four categories:

  1. Log in to Vision 3.
  2. From the Windows Notification Area, right-click Vision+ Vision+ Icon in Notification Area and select Practice Reports:

  3. Select QOF - All.

  4. Select Category: Influenza:

  5. Select Merge Category .
  6. The Mailings screen displays with the invite status for influenza only:

  7. Continue to send influenza invites as normal.
Note - Category: Influenza can only be found in QOF - All lists.