Call Display

If you have a compatible Call Display this can be used alongside Shared Appointments.

  1. From your Home screen, select Settings in the top right corner of the screen.
  2. Select the Clinician or Clinic you wish to configure:

  3. Complete as follows:

    • Clinician/Clinic - Select as required.

    • Display text - The Appointment book name displays. This can be changed as required, for example, the exact room name.

    • Centred or Left-aligned - Select the placement of the text.

    • Disable call display - Turns off call display.

    • Preview - Shows the text that will display.

    • Confirm settings before calling in each patient - Tick to review and confirm settings before calling each patient. If left unticked, every time a clinician logs in to appointments and calls the first patient into consultation, the Call Display - User Options displays automatically.

  4. Select OK to save.
Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.