Cegedim Healthcare Solutions (CHS) Vaccination Management Suite
The Cegedim Healthcare Solutions (CHS) Vaccination Suite is designed to help you schedule, manage, recall and report on your vaccination clinics.
This solution can be used for any patient registered in England at a Vision 3, EMIS or TTP practice.
The CHS Vaccination Management Suite consists of three different aspect:
CHS Vaccinations Appointments - This uses the our flexible Appointments application and enables the administration and scheduling of vaccination appointments in both practice and shared care settings.
Useful Appointments features:
SMS Messaging - See SMS Messaging (opens in the Appointments Help Centre)for details.
GP Connect (England only) - An NHS Digital project designed to enable access to patient related information recorded on any of the participating systems across care settings, see GP Connect Appointments (opens in the Appointments Help Centre) for details.
CHS Vaccination Point of Care (PoC) - This uses Vision Anywhere to record vaccinations given, see Recording Immunisations (opens in the Vision Anywhere Help Centre)for details.