Patient Specific Alerts

To catch qualifying patients on an ad hoc basis, Consultation Manager has two ways of displaying patient specific alerts:

Vision+ Alert Window

The Vision+ alert window displays in Consultation Manager or when selected from the Vision+ toolbar:

Alert Window Settings

With no patient selected, right click Vision+ and select Settings. Check the settings for Disable Auto Popup and Combine Triggers:

  • Disable Auto Popup:
    • Ticked – Select the required Indicators from the Vision+ toolbar
    • Un-ticked – Automatically shows the Alert Window
  • Combine Triggers:
    • Ticked – Displays QOF and non QOF indicators in one Alert Window (QAIF for Wales)
    • Un-ticked – Displays QOF and non QOF indicators in separate Alert Windows (QAIF for Wales)

Opening Indicators from the Vision+ Toolbar

  • Combined indicators - Select to open combined indicators in the Alert Window
  • QOF indicators - Select to open the QOF indicators in the Alert Window (QAIF for Wales)
  • Non QOF indicators - Select to open the non QOF indicators in the Alert Window (QAIF for Wales)

Using the Alert Window

The Alert Window displays any outstanding alerts for the selected patient:

Double click on an indicator line to record data or right click to display a list of options:

Clinical Audit Reminders

Active reminders display as notes on a yellow background in Consultation Manager.

Activating Reminders

To activate a clinical audit reminder:

  1. From the Vision 3 front screen, select Reporting - Clinical Audit .
  2. Select Audit Source and from the drop-down choose the nGMS Reporting view or All Audits & nGMS Monitoring view:
  3. Find the audit line you wish to activate a reminder for.
  4. Remember - The audit line may already have an inactive reminder set .
  5. Right click on the audit line and select either
    • Active Reminder - For inactive reminders, this places a tick beside Active Reminder and the Reminder  alert displays.
    • Reminder - To create a new reminder, enter the text required and select OK and the Reminder  alert displays.
  6. After your next audit generation, the reminder displays in Consultation Manager for the qualifying patients.

Editing Reminder Wording

To update the wording on a reminder:

  1. Right click on the audit line containing the reminder to update.
  2. Select Reminder from the list.
  3. In Edit Reminder update the wording as required.
  4. Select OK.

Removing a Reminder

Rather than removing a reminder, you should inactivate it. To inactivate a reminder:

  1. Right click on the audit line containing the reminder to inactivate.
  2. Select Reminder from the list.
  3. The Edit Reminder screen displays, remove the tick from Active.
  4. Select OK.
Remember - Reminders and QOF - If you are using Vision+ Alerts then you may wish to inactivate the Clinical Audit reminders for QOF, as Vision+ offers real-time alerts for missing QOF data. Please see Vision+ help for further information.
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