Data Entry using Smart Flu Clinic

Smart Flu Clinic provides a quick way of recording Influenza (including Intranasal), Pneumococcal and Shingles vaccines.

It reads each patient record in Vision that you select and automatically displays the relevant vaccines appropriate to the patients’ age.

Note - To amend the age ranges for relevant vaccines, select Settings and then View/Edit Rules .

To record an immunisation using Smart Flu Clinic:

  1. Open Smart Clinic and select Open - Smart Flu Clinic:
  2. Open a patient's record in Consultation Manager.
  3. Smart Flu Clinic displays the relevant immunisations based on the select patient's age:
  4. Note - If an immunisation does not have a tick, there is a record of that type on the patient record within the last nine months.
  5. Select the correct batch of the vaccine from the list (unless using Auto Batch Select, see tip below):
  6. Note - Right click on the batch numbers to open the Quick Find Batch Card screen.
  7. The following details display for each immunisation you select:
    • Stage - Automatically completes based on the patient's record
    • Consent - Defaults to Consent given
    • Site - Select as required
  8. Any relevant warnings display, select to view details:
    • Drug & Non-Drug Allergies
      • - A red alert displays when the patient has an allergy or contraindication recorded in Vision, to the vaccine you are about to issue

      • - An amber alert displays when the patient has known allergies and contraindications

      • - A grey alert displays when the patient has no known allergies or contraindications recorded

    • Prescribed Antibacterial drugs
      • - A red alert displays when antibacterial medication has been issued in the last 10 days

      • - An amber alert displays when there is a history of antibacterial medication

      • - A grey alert displays when there is no record of antibacterial medication

  9. Select Add Selected Immunisations to enter all the selected immunisations into the patient's record in Vision 3:

See here for more information on Smart Clinic or Smart Flu Clinic.

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