Appointment - Patient Notes Report
This Appointment - Patient Notes Excel Report has a direct connection to Vision 3, you must therefore login to Vision 3 before running the Wizard.
The download file is an .exe for Excel 2010 and above:
The Appointment - Patient Notes Excel Report produces a report for all active patients that have an Appointment note. The report contains the following columns:
Patient_ Id - The patient's Vision Id number
EventDate - The date the following Note was added
Notes - The text of the Patient Note in Appointments
Patient - The patient's full name
Reg_Status - The patients Registration Status
NHS_No - The patient's NHS number
DOB - The patient's date of birth
Age - The patient's age
Sex - The patient's sex
Future_Appt - The appointment date if the appointments is still in the future
Book Owner - The book owner of the appointment if the appointments is still in the future
- Appointment - Patient Notes Excel Report
Vision 3 Appointment - Patient Notes Report v1.1 (Updated 25/03/24)Updated to correct text on Compile.
Update History
v1 Created 18/3/2024
Created to help identify erroneous entries in Appointments - Patient notes.