Importing a Bulk Registration File
Please be aware:
Only patients with the following Registration Status are included in an import file:
Temporary Residents - Long stay - Active only.
The list of incoming patients must be reviewed as part of the import process.
To process a Bulk Registration Import file received from your Health Board:
From your Remote Desktop, using File Explorer save the file received from your Health Board to P:\Extracts\HB BULK IMPORT.
From the Vision 3 front screen, select Messaging - Registration Links .
Select Action - Bulk Patient Data Export/Import:
The Bulk Patient Data Export/Import - Terms of Use screen displays, read the message, tick I agree to these terms of use and then select Proceed:
The Bulk Patient Data Export/Import screen displays, in Import select Browse :
The Open screen displays at P:\Extracts\HB BULK IMPORT by default, select the file required and select Open:
You are returned to the Bulk Patient Data Export/Import screen, select the appropriate HB/GP combination, as advised by your Health Board, and then select Import:
If there is a problem with the import, the Bulk Patient Data Import error message displays detailing the issue, select OK to rectify the issue and try again:
The validation process starts. The Bulk Patient Data Import screen displays, listing any issues with the import file. These must be addressed before you can successfully import it:
This list displays the spreadsheet row number and reason for validation failure to help you address issues.
Note - An Event Log entry is made regarding a failed validation. -
Select Copy to copy this information to your Windows Clipboard and then paste elsewhere ready to work through it, for example, you may want to paste the list to a blank page in your word processing package.
Outside of Vision 3, using File Explorer, navigate to the import file in P:\Extracts\HB BULK IMPORT and open it. Using the data copied in the step above, correct the information on the CSV file, for example:
Invalid CHI_Number - Correct the CHI Number.
Invalid Forename - Correct the forename.
Once you have completed the list, repeat steps 2 - 7 again and this time the file should pass validation and the Bulk Patient Data Import message displays, select Yes to confirm your selections are correct:
Vision 3 processes the patients being imported one by one, comparing each patient to your existing patient register. Any patients included in the import that may already have a record at your practice trigger the Bulk Patient Data Import - Possible Patient Match screen:
Check your existing register for the appropriate response and then select from:
Accept Incoming Record - To create a new patient record.
Reject Incoming Record - To refuse to accept this patient and process the patient manually.
Close - To skip this patient record.
The process automatically continues. Once finished, the Bulk Patient Data Import - Successfully processed nnnnn records message displays, where nnnnn is the number of records processed, the following text details the location of the status report, it is important you make a note of this location. Select OK to close:
You must now check the Status report, from File Explorer, navigate to the path indicated by the Bulk Patient Data Import - Successfully processed nnn records message, the default is P:\Extracts\HB BULK IMPORT\Reports.
Double click on the report required to open it.
Each patient imported displays with their new status, check they are all correct. The status can be any one of the following:
Permanent patient CHI match - Auto rejected - A patient with this CHI number is already on your register and so the system automatically rejects the addition.
Manually accepted - New patient record created - This is a record that you have accepted as part of the process in step 12 above.
Manually rejected - This is a record that you have refused as part of the process in step 12 above.
System rejected - Existing record not previously exported.
Dialog closed by user. Patient skipped - Close selected on Possible Patient Match screen.
No existing patient - New patient record created.
Select Close to close the report.
The new and re-registered patients are now available from Consultation Manager and are processed through Registration Links in the usual way.