Amending or Deleting Responsible pharmacist Records

If you need to amend or delete Responsible Pharmacist Records, your details are recorded for audit purposes.

To amend a record:

  1. From Pharmacy Manager, select Tools - Responsible Pharmacist.
  2. The Responsible Pharmacist screen displays showing a list of records. You can chose to filter the list using the:
    • Date
    • Action Type
  3. Highlight the record required and select Details .
  4. The Responsible Pharmacist Details screen displays:

  5. Select either:
    • Amend - To change a record.
    • Delete - To remove a record.
  6. The User Identification screen displays, complete as appropriate:
    • User Name - Enter your name.
    • Reason for Change - Enter the reason for your update.

  7. Select OK.
  8. If you have selected Amend, make the changes required, and then select OK.

    If you have selected Delete, select Yes to confirm.

  9. Select Close.
Note - Any updates can be included in the Responsible Pharmacist Report, see Running the Responsible Pharmacist Report for details.