Creating a New Patient

To add a new local patient:

  1. From either the Partially Matched Patients or the Find Patient screen, select CREATE NEW PATIENT :

  2. The Add Patient screen displays populated with patient data from the registration request:

    Edit the patient data as required:

    • Patient Details:

      • Title - Select from the available list.

      • First Name

      • Last Name

      • Gender - Select from the available list.

      • Date of Birth (Required) - Select Calendar to open the calendar.

    • Address Details:

      • Address Line 1-5

      • Postcode

  3. Select either:

    • SAVE AND ADD  to create a new patient record in Pharmacy Manager.

    • CANCEL  to cancel the process.

Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.