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Fast Labelling in Pharmacy Manager (2:36)

Pharmacy Manager Release 16.0

Pharmacy Manager release 16.0 introduces the following features and improvements:

All Countries

  • Dashboard Tile - We have updated the Pharmacy Manager tile at the bottom of the dashboard:

England Only

Scotland Only

  • Dashboard - The Uncollected MCR Prescriptions tile is renamed to Uncollected ePrescriptions:

    Note - Uncollected ePrescriptions currently only displays Medicines: Care & Review (MCR) prescriptions. This will be updated to include Acute Medication Service (AMS) prescriptions in a future release of Pharmacy Manager.
  • AMS Prescriptions - The Confirm Prescription Signatory screen no longer displays when you finish an AMS prescription.

  • Instalment Dispensing AMS Prescription - The maximum number of days supply when dispensing an AMS prescription under the form type of GP10 (P), GP10 (N) and GP10 (NMP), has now increased to 84 days supply.

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